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Mushroom Wars Free Download [full Version]


Updated: Mar 11, 2020

About This Game PLEASE WELCOME FREE MULTPLAYER UPDATE!You are to become a General of the Mushroom Army. As a fearless commander and skillful strategist, your role is to battle opposing tribes, capture and hold settlements, defensive towers, and armories, to increase the size of your Mushroom forces and conquer the battlefield! Mushroom Wars, originally released for PlayStation 3, was named one of PSN’s top 25 games and became critically acclaimed all around the world. The intuitive controls merge seamlessly with its challenging gameplay, providing a unique introduction to the real-time strategy genre. While easy to pick-up for beginners, Mushroom Wars features enough gameplay depth and strategy to inspire the most experienced players. This friendly-looking RTS can scratch your strategy itch!Complete a fascinating Campaign, jump into Skirmish mode to play single battles against up to three computer-controlled opponents, or challenge other players in Multiplayer battles!Varying multiplayer modes: king of the hill, domination, capture Up to four players and 4000 units in a battle simultaneously Maximum action in five-minute matches Strategic resource management: Mushroom hordes perform both as fighting units and an important consumable resource for upgrades. Skill-based gameplay with fair competition 6d5b4406ea Title: Mushroom WarsGenre: Action, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Zillion Whales, Creat StudiosPublisher:Zillion WhalesRelease Date: 7 Apr, 2016 Mushroom Wars Free Download [full Version] Edit^3 : ONLINE MULTIPLAYER AND CONTROLLER SUPPORT ADDED, even though "how to play" instructions for controllers are missing right now, but if you know which buttons to press, it is a blast to play it with controller (see below for hints).--Edit: If you are trying the game to decide if asking for refund in the first two hours, DON'T judge the game only by the first campaign levels!!!--Most features and mechanics gets introduced later in the campaign. The morale system is introduced at level 11, forges at level 14, the possibility to transform buildings only at level 17.--IF you want to judge the game fast take a look at the "how to play" section where mechanics are well explained and, maybe, try them immediatly in a skirmish map (even tho campaign does a better job by introducing them step by step, just maybe you'll need more than 2 hours...)--In my experience, I've NEVER found any game similar to this that has the same strategic depth (from Galcon to Eufloria to any other free flash game on the net or android and apple stores), that in comparison always felt boring to me.This game is a pearl.Easy to get in, but a lot of strategy and fast-thinking involved at high levels.How it works: is a simple, fast paced RTS game with 2D cartoonish graphics. All happen in a single screen, where 2 to 4 factions fight over the control of all buildings (conquest mode) or key buildings (king of the hill and domination modes).A match last an average of 3 minutes, but may be virtually infinite (i had 30 minutes long matches).Controller commands: (Xbox \/ PS)left stick: select buildingRB\/R1 (hold) + left stick: select targetB, A, X, Y (circle, X, square, triangle): send 25%-50%-75%-100% mushroomsLB\/L1 (hold): open upgrade panelWhen in upgrade panel:A\/X: upgrade buildingX\/Square: transform into houseY\/Triangle: transform into forgeB\/Circle: transform into towerDouble tap A\/X: upgrade building. (same as LB\/L1 (hold) + A\/X). great game if it doesn't work launch it while holding shift to change the resolution. incomplete game we can't play custom match what is that about 6 month now they said soon, \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 off. and they're about to release the 2 \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 that. first finish our game before. This game is a godsend that is like honey and bacon and Steak and fuzzy blankets.Seriously though, this game is a lovely RTS with cute artwork and a demon that stares into your eyes and steals your soul slowly as you become obsessed, shut off from the outside world in your chair, clicking and clacking away, and demolishing enemies one by one, destroying their lives as the game has done to you.I like it 10\/10-DDB. Basically you are the shroom overlord who must take your mushroom people and saute them together in a buttery land war, capturing the most mushroom buildings and having the most mushroom babies (The mushroom people live inside other mushrooms. Is that guro or cannibalism?).It's fairly challenging with simple mechanics but enough different elements that it doesn't get monotonous.This isn't an easy RTS. I'm playing on easy right now and am having to restart each level several times which can be frustrating, but ultimately rewarding when I beat it. I don't really have any complaints! I like this game enough to spend $10 on it after playing for free when I played the demo on the PS3.. Flash games much like this exist for free, anyway Got about halfway through till I was completely bored with it. I somewhat enjoyed the conquest by numbers, however theres a mechanic that completely ruined the experience for me. It's called the morality system.Basically if you successfully defend or upgrade some buildings your morality goes up. When it increases, troops defend buildings better and become stronger. The main problem with this is that it punishes players who attack first and can expand faster. You're forced to attack second if you want a gaurenteed victory. You wait until the enemy attacks, get your moral boosted than go on offense and steal a building and repeat. Scenarios take forever because you just wait and wait and wait for the enemy to make a move, you have to wait for the enemy moral to go down, you have to wait until your troops fill back up. And it ultimatly becomes a waiting game. It's a decent game, not worth $11. Also theres no one to play multiplayer with.. A Real Time Strategy game between mediocre and bad; it is tagged as Tower Defense, but isn't. Graphics are decent, but consist in quite simple cartoons, specially the backgrounds, maybe cause the product is orientated to children and multiplayer. Runs fine and rarely crashed. The mechanics is based on the old strategic games of the 90's, where the infamous "rush" tactic ( send all troops at once to attack one objetive or send them in waves to saturate and confuse ) was all and the IA rules: it never waste time, ever knows where and when player do something, his strong and weak points. For these well knowed reasons the singleplayer mode at hard difficulty demands tons of frustration tolerance and perseverance for learning from the IA conduct shapes and retry each map again, to find those steps or pathways to win that developers planed: naturally, only 2% players can finish campaign and complete all skirmish maps with this mode. Normal mode is not much easy, and only 11% can beat it. There are only 3 kinds of buildings: a house to produce units, a forge to enhance their power and a towers for harass enemies pass through at range; only houses and tower are upgradables 3 times each, ones for generate more troops and the others to cause more damage. Upgrades cost units, but all losses regenerates at homes. There aren't different types of units, and not have skills, life points or equipment: combat depends on strenght of numbers, the acumulative advantage by build defender, and forges dominated. There are 3 kind of missions: occupy a specific build by certain time, just take it, or take all enemy buildings. In one way or another, many missions are timed, evil in hard mode. Tactic is not balanced; is much better and profitable the defense of houses than attack builds in terms of casualties, because troops movements can't be canceled after give a deployment order, units are stronger when figth inside a building, and they only fight in or outside builds, but never in open space. Scenaries degenerates in a flood of troops by everywhere or dead times waiting somebody do something, that will be a mistake very probably. To finish the campaing of 24 maps and the same number of skirmish maps in all modes with 87% of achievements takes about 54 hours for adults, maybe common kids can\u00b4t do it or need much more time. Only reccomedable for multiplayer or fans of old RTS games, for singleplayer must be considered rather as a Puzzle Game. To buy in bundles or with a discount.


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